Monday, June 20, 2011

Everyone's Learning!

Today has been a great day. We're all working together really well, the atmosphere is charged with positive energy and everyone is learning :)
Emily had a great consultation with a family this morning and gave plenty of great advice as always. I started sessions with a 4 year old boy today. We came up with ideas on what to run trials for and I feel quite confident with him. We're putting a first-then chart for some of the children and I'm quite excited to see how that goes. I think it'll definitely iron out some behaviours with harry.
I then had another consultation, which brought into limelight one of the main obstacles for parents getting therapy at kaizora... Transportation and traffic logistics. So many parents can't bring their children from across town for a couple of hours of ABA therapy and take them back. I hope that kaizora can one day provide full-day services and transportation as well. There are many we still have to reach out to.
After sessions, Emily worked on the workshop and we did some brainstorming together... And I went on to make some materials for the children.
I really enjoy working with Emily... We seem to be in tune when talking to parents or brainstorming about ideas... I really appreciate all she is has come to offer to us and am eager to soak it all up!!!
Tomorrow we're going to start our first ever home-based therapy and I'm looking forward to this new chapter for Kaizora.


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