Sunday, July 12, 2009

Day 5: Saturday, July 11

Greetings from the Obama-mania capital of the world today! Everyone is thrilled to death with Obama’s choice to visit Ghana for his first visit to Africa as U.S. President! We decided to head to the beach last night to mostly avoid the mass hysteria and absolute pandemonium that was expected to ensue as Air Force One hit the ground. Literally, every single Ghanaian we spoke with had planned to head to the airport to greet President Obama and his family.

We got to watch his helicopters fly overhead from the beach during our African dancing lesson. We danced for him, and I am confident that he enjoyed it! His message to Africa was simple yet inspiring and reflected the values of the Global Autism Project. Obama, like the Global Autism Project feel that there is a great amount of potential and promise in Africa. We particularly enjoyed hearing him say, "But the true sign of success is not whether we are a source of perpetual aid that helps people scrape by — it's whether we are partners in building the capacity for transformational change." in his speech to Ghanaians today.

The Global Autism Project is committed to being not an AID organization, providing a simplistic short term solution, but in building the capacity for transformational change for the lives of children with autism, not only in Ghana and Africa, but all over the world as well. It was refreshing and inspiring to hear these ideals that guide our work from arguably the single most popular man in the World today.

In other news, today CASEY ARRIVED via Cairo!! Not many people can get off a plane still smiling having just ridden through the desert on camels that morning, and having slept through the night for the last time about four nights ago, but the new Country Director of the Global Autism Project did indeed! She was greeted at the airport by our amazing team of volunteers and we're hoping that her four months in Ghana five years ago will make up for the fact that she's joining us all a week later. So far, it seems that it has. We're delighted to have her here and can't wait to introduce her to all of the staff and children of the centre on Monday!

Signing off,

Molly Ola

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Molly,
Congratulations, you all are making a difference! Sounds like Obama-"mania" was fun as well.
Are you near the lcoal YMCA to bring any literature back to me or to take a picture of the facility?
Keep up the good spirit.Hugs~Aunt~NJP~